We at PKSBE not only create Entrepreneurs & Advertising Filmmakers but also superlative professionals, fearless in their capacity to make decisions with a great yen to be entrepreneurs rather than 'employees'. They are empowered and taught repeatedly that their value is only in the kind of value that they add to their jobs. And that the value that they bring to the table is entirely authored by them and is tangible.Something which they could own. The bottom line is: you don't 'do' a job, you 'own' it.
The 1 Year/2 Years that they spend in the rigorous environment of PKSBE and its various verticals will be utilized in honing their capacities for entrepreneurship (risk intelligence), decision-making, crisis management, crisis prevention (anticipation) and believing implicitly in Murphy's Law - For the uninitiated, 'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong'.